Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zucchetti and Meatballs

I love me some carbs.
Pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, tortillas, cookies, cake, crackers. I love em all!
But at 35, it seems carbs no longer love me. Traitors.
So I try to limit them where I can. Like this dandy little substitution.
The other night I had a hankering for spaghetti and meatballs.
It was rainy and cold, and I wanted some thing comforting.
But I didn't want that bloaty, tired feeling that comes after I eat a plate full of pasta.
What to do?!?!
A few minutes on the Internet and I had my solution: Zucchini Pasta!
I know, you are thinking: "Are you serious? There is no WAY those are going to taste anywhere near the same as the real deal."
And if you were eating only plain pasta, maybe you could tell.
But when smothered with a delicious, rich tomato sauce and some meatballs, trust me, you can't. 
This would also be a great way to sneak some veg into a picky child's dinner.
And with all the calories you are saving, you can now eat some dessert, guilt free :)

Zucchetti & Meatballs
1 large zucchini per person
Your favorite meatball recipe
Your favorite sauce recipe

Using a mandolin, julienne the zucchini on the smallest setting. Boil a large pot of water, salt liberally.
Cook the zucchini for no more than 1 minute. Drain and immediately place in an ice bath to shock and stop the cooking. Once cooled, drain well, pat dry on a kitchen towel to remove excess water and toss with hot sauce. The zucchini has a high water content, so I suggest making your sauce on the thick side so it doesn't turn out watery like mine did. Plate and serve with meatballs and a side salad.

Why I Will Never Succeed At Keeping the Weight Off

Once the scale shows me a number I like, I cheat.
I tell myself, "well look at how good you are doing! It's ok to have one Samoa."
And that one Samoa turns into half a box of Samoas.
And then I figure, I have already messed up today, might as well indulge in a few other treats I have been depriving myself of.
So I eat half a bag of PB pretzels.
And a quesadilla.
And wash it down with half a bottle of wine. 
And then I am so pissed at my weakness, I berate myself and eat some chocolate covered caramels to feel better.
This is why I am destined to fail. I have an addiction. Seriously, I am addicted to food.
Do they have a 12 step program for that?
Maybe I should start one...